KanJam Disc Game Review

kanjam review

From the humble beginnings of “Garbage Can Frisbee”, KanJam has become one of the more popular unique games out there. Two cans and one flying disc is all you need to have fun and KanJam is proof of that. Our KanJam Review is going to break down all the awesomeness that is dunking frisbees into cans (Kans?). Read below and see where KanJam falls in The Ultimate Yard Games List.

Fast Facts: KanJam

  • Created: 2006
  • Game Type: Casual
  • Best For: Yard, the park, Ranch, Lakehouse, Beach, Outdoors, airplane hangars, indoor soccer facilities
  • Price: $39 (Buy It on Amazon --> Original | Flag | Light Up )
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Made: USA (western New York to be exact)
  • Space Required: 50ft. by 10 ft. (can be shorter if less space available)
  • Setup Time: 1 minute
  • Material: Durable plastic
  • Governing Body: KanJam League
  • Number of Players: 4 (teams of 2)

Simplistic Summary

Throw a frisbee into a plastic can. Your partner (standing by the can) can help you by deflecting.

kanjam what's included

The Game of KanJam

KanJam is a game of four players divided into two teams. Teams work together to get a frisbee into the cans. You stand by one can, while your partner stands at the other can 50 feet away. You throw the disc to the can that your partner is standing by and 1 of 4 things can happen.

  1. Your partner deflects the disc and it hits the can for 1 point
  2. You hit the can directly for 2 points
  3. Your partner deflects it inside the can for 3 points
  4. You throw it directly inside the can via the slot for an INSTANT WIN

Teams alternate throwing until one team gets to 21 points. It must be exactly 21 points too.

It’s a pretty exciting game and excels in the categories we feel make a great yard game. Check out our breakdown below for the details of KanJam.

Easy setup

KanJam Review: Portability

With only 3 game pieces, KanJam is pretty easy to pack up and carry around. It’s just a disc, and two lightweight cans. The cans even unhook and can lie flat or roll up tighter for easy storage.

Setup and tear down are pretty straightforward too. Just buckle the cans together and set them up 50 feet apart and you’re ready to play. Only thing missing is a bag for easier carrying (but they’re super lightweight, so I guess this is just being picky).

Portability Score: 9

kan jam disc
5+ years of lots of use, and still work great.

KanJam Review: Durability

It doesn’t get more durable than two flexible high quality plastic cans and a solid frisbee disc. The simplicity in construction is also what makes this game strong. We’ve kicked our cans, thrown them in cars, dropped them from second stories (don’t ask), and they’re still in great shape.

They’re also weatherproof. Water resistant and fine to be left out in the elements of hot or cold. We’ve had our same KanJam set for 5+ years now and have no signs of getting new ones (except maybe to get that glow in the dark set…).

Durability Score: 10

kanjam play

KanJam Review: Playability

A game is playable if it can be played by anyone and anywhere. We love KanJam, but this might be it’s biggest weakness. Throwing discs isn’t something everyone can just do, especially accurately enough to have a good game. And 50 feet is definitely too far for most (easily fixed with shorter distance in between, we know).

Finding a good spot to play can be tough too (especially if you’re trying for that 50 foot official distance). Windy days also tend to ruin game play for us, and this isn’t exactly an indoor game either. All that to say though, this is a super fun game if you have the space and can throw a disc (and wind can add a fun challenge).

KanJam does get points for it’s rules being easy to explain. There’s not much setup or explaining. You just drop the cans apart from each other, say the 4 scoring options, and you’re off enjoying a great game. So bonus points for that playability factor.

Playability Score: 5

kanjam lake

KanJam Review: Addictiveness

KanJam is a game that we could play all day. It’s exciting because of all the different scoring options as well as all the various throws and scores you’ll see during a game. KanJam strikes a great balance of difficult, yet not impossible. It’s something that you can continue to improve in skill so you keep coming back for more.

What really keeps you playing is the partner aspect. Having someone to work with and hone skills with (because you’ll need them to win unless you’re hitting that slot), can make it enjoyable for even longer than your typical game.

Addictiveness Score: 7

kanjam lightup
Light up version is a bit more expensive ($58)

KanJam Review: Value

At $38, KanJam is a pretty cheap date. It is one of the more affordable games out there. Because it is so cost effective and because it will last you forever (see: Durability above), this game has great value. Throw in a carrying bag and you’ve got a perfect score from us.

Value Score: 9

kanjam slam dunk
You might say…KanJam is a slam dunk

Final KanJam Thoughts

KanJam was one of the first yard games we started playing and so it has a special place in our hearts. It is creative with the idea of being able to be assisted by your partner, and the simplicity makes it lots of fun. If you like throwing a frisbee, or you enjoy working as a team, then KanJam is a must have in your yard game arsenal. It will definitely get you out moving and enjoying some good times with friends and family.

Total Score: 40

Check out some of our other game reviews on The Ultimate Yard Games List

Buy it on Amazon --> Original | Flag | Light Up