The Quest for the Best Yard Games Begins

best yard games on amazon

We at Play Backyard Games are about to take you on an epic journey — a quest to introduce you to all the greatest yard games out there. Be in the know of all the latest and greatest games (and be reminded of some of the classics too). Know exactly which yard game fits each situation (i.e. don’t setup spikeball at a wedding, but DO have cornhole available). And get to know what to expect from each yard game out there.

Cornhole, rampshot, rollors, bulzibucket, bucketball, crossnet, knock’em, zipchip, kanjam, washers, qb54, bottle bash/yard pole, playsoccergolf… do you know all these games? Join us and you will!

The Breakdown

We’re working on reviewing and rating as many yard games as we can get our hands on, and we’ll be building out a top page with the best of each category. It is important to know how we categorize and rate games, so you can find the ones that are best for you.

We break our ratings into 5 characteristics:

  1. Portability
  2. Durability
  3. Playability
  4. Addictiveness
  5. Value

And 2 Types of Games

  1. Casual
  2. Athletic

Based on these criteria, we’re going to let you know what games you should be playing, when you should be playing them, and with whom.

Top Yard Game Characteristics


When thinking portability, think of games that easily store and pack up. Portability is key for yard games because yard games are played in so many places besides just the backyard. You want a game that can be carried out to the beach or packed for a tailgate. Easy to carry, easy to set up, and easy to take down and pack up. Bulzibucket is a great example of this. On the other end of the spectrum, cornhole is pretty big and bulky so will receive a low portability score.


Durability is a trait that you want for every yard game. No matter the location, your yard games are going to receive some abuse. This category will rate the games based on how well they stand the test of time. Being waterproof is a big plus, and also just not having any weak points. If left outside for a kid’s birthday party…would the game make it out alive? That’s essentially what we’re asking here.


Can the game be played anywhere with anyone? Then it is a super playable game. Playability encompasses the general ease of getting a game going. A playable game is one that can be taken to a party or tailgate and just put up and played. Having rules that make sense and are easy to explain is key.* A playable game is enjoyed by both adults and kids. It is a game that can be played indoor and outdoor and on all types of surfaces. The less barriers to playing a game, the more playable a game is.


A game excels in this category when it strikes that perfect balance of challenging YET not so difficult that it’s not enjoyable. An addictive game is fun for all levels of players. Enjoyable for beginners, but also nuanced enough that veteran players keep coming back for more so they can continue to improve. If you’re in the shower planning the next time you can play a game, then yes, the game has great addictiveness** value. Spikeball is a great example because it’s fun to play once you get the hang of it, yet you can keep getting better at it so it keeps you coming back for more.


The final quality of a great yard game is the value it brings based on its price. There are a lot of quality yard games out there, so it’s important to have your hard earned money going towards getting good bang for your buck. Yard games that come with quality materials at the right price will make them rise to the top in this category.

Yard Game Types


Most yard games fall in the casual category. These are the games you can just show up to and play. You can maybe even enjoy this type of game with a drink or food in your hand. Not a lot of movement is involved. This is the type of game you want to set up at a wedding reception. Have fun, but don’t break a sweat doing it. Cornhole falls in this category.


The athletic type of yard games require a good amount of movement. You’re going to want to be in sports wear for these games. You’ll likely work up a sweat playing. These are going to require more skill in throwing, catching, hitting. Some agility or quick reflexes might aid you in winning as well. The yard games on the extreme side of this variant are borderline a sport. Spikeball is an example of this type of game.

So let’s get this party started

This is going to be fun. We’ll be testing out all sorts of games so you can be in the know. One of our favorite things to do is introduce our friends to a new game that they end up loving. Now we’ll be getting to do that on a larger scale with you and everyone you share this with. So sign up for our email list if you have not already. And go subscribe to us on YouTube. We got lots of great action headed your way. AND we’ll be GIVING AWAY GAMES to those that are signed up and subbed (so make sure you’re one of those people!)

What’s in the pipeline

First up… CORNHOLE. Then KanJam. Then Bulzibucket. After that, we’ll see! Do you know of a great game you’d love to have us review? Send it over our way and we’ll check it out! We like to think that we’re the resident experts on all things yard games. So keep coming back and we’ll show you how to have a great time playing some games.

*Playability: no we’re not trying to punish complicated games. We do think that the beauty of yard games is bringing people together for a good time. Usually, simplicity does a better job of that. Our hope, though, is that those more “complicated” games get more popular, and, by virtue, become more playable because more people know and understand them 🙂

** Yes, I realize addictivness isn’t a word. Go ahead and try and stop me