Yard games are great because they bring people together for a great time. We’ve been playing them ever since we can remember. We’ve played all the classics, and are always trying and testing out new ones. The Ultimate Yard Games List is our way of sharing this passion and expertise with the world.
There has been somewhat of a yard game revolution as of late, and we couldn’t be happier about it. There are so many great new games to complement the solid list of already tried and true games. Below is our master list of yard games, ranking them in multiple different categories. We highlight the best games for various situations and events, as well as point out some games worth trying out. We’ll also link to our individual review of each game with more details.
What Is A Yard Game
There is no hard line set of rules for defining a yard game, but here is what we think constitutes one. It should be playable in an average sized yard. It shouldn’t require a lot of equipment or setup. You want to be able to take it to other locations so portability is a key differentiator. Typical yard games can be played by most people, regardless of athletic ability or age. While there are some outliers, I think we can all agree that this is a pretty good description of most yard games (bonus points if your yard game is played to 21 and scores by 1’s and 3’s 😉)
Best of Yard Games
The Ultimate Yard Games List is our compilation of some of the best games we’ve played. This list will be ever evolving, so send in any recommendations you might have and we’ll consider it.
Most Popular
Cornhole – OUR REVIEW – BUY IT
There’s no denying that cornhole is the yard game that set the yard game world on fire. You can’t go wrong bringing this game to any event. Get a custom one made to really stand out. This is definitely the most popular yard game out there right now.
Most Portable
Bulzibucket – OUR REVEIW – BUY IT
When your game easily packs up like Russian nesting dolls into a light backpack, it’s hard to beat for portability. Lots of games pack up small and light, but Bulzibucket is great because how easy it is to setup and tear down as well (which is a big part of portability).
Most Durable
You’d have a hard time trying to break a KanJam set. A solid disc with two rugged “Kan” goals, this game is the game you want if you treat your games rough. They can handle the elements and can stand up to being kicked around or thrown off roofs (not sure why you’d do that, but they can take it).
Most Playable
Bulzibucket – OUR REVEIW – BUY IT
You can play BulziBucket anywhere and with anyone. This game is for everyone. Kids love it. Adults love it. Indoors and outdoors. On land or in water. ‘Nuff said. It’s hard to get more playable.
Most Addictive
There are few things better than a good Spikeball rally. Diving around, working with your teammate, smashing a rubber ball at the speed of light. It’s a high paced and super fun game. If you have 3 friends to play this with, yall will have a blast playing it day in and day out.
Best All Around
Kubb is an underrated game. It’s been around a long time and is one of the classics, but we think it’s a game that more people should have and enjoy. Kubb is a super casual game that gets you out in the backyard having a good time. It’s not winning in any of the categories, but it excels in them all. All around good game that anyone can play.
Best Value
Crossnet is quickly becoming one of the hottest games on the market right now. The quality of the game is undeniable. Super legit netting. Square line ropes included. Sturdy poles and ropes. There really isn’t anything we’d add to this game’s materials (it even comes with a ball pump!). So yes, all of this high quality game gear, for only $150? Best value on the market for sure.
Best Beach Game
Washers are the ideal beach game because they’re not affected by the wind. The ground doesn’t have to be perfectly flat, so the sand works great. And they’re portable enough to carry to the beach and back without much issue. They can handle the weather and won’t ever blow away in the wind. Trust us, go with washer toss at the beach.
Best Wedding Game
Giant Connect 4 – REVIEW COMING – BUY IT
When you’re looking super fly in that suit or cocktail dress, you can’t always be moving around playing active games. Maybe you don’t trust Aunt Janice to throw bean bags without hurting anyone. Giant Connect 4 is great because it keeps things casual. Plus you can customize the discs to have that punny wedding #hashtag or over fancy calligraphy monogram for the happy couple.
Best Family Game
This strategy yard game is perfect for all ages. It’s equally fun for everyone and gets up to 4 people playing. Like a giant board game, but more fun because you’re outside and tossing balls. Really recommend this game for every family.
Best Indoor Game
OnTop is a fun shooting game that not only LOOKS great in the house, but also PLAYS great. You only need 15 feet of space, and ceilings aren’t an issue. It’s casual and the perfect game for playing inside when it’s too hot or cold or wet to play outside in the backyard. (It is perfect for the outdoors too of course though).
Best Tailgate Game
Super unique game. This game will draw a crowd at your next tailgate. The field goal post are a real attention grabber. All that aside, the game is super fun and perfect prep before a game. AND it doubles as a chair. WIN WIN WIN.
Now Get Outside and Play!
This is our list so far. I’m sure there will be changes and additions. We’re always looking for more great games. Do you have one we missed? Let us know! Have another category we should add? We’re willing to hear you out. But the key thing is to pick a game, get some friends or family together, and go play!