disc golf course

Here at Play Backyard Games, we encourage everyone to get outside and play. One of our favorite ways to do that when we’re not in the backyard playing awesome games, is to play DISC GOLF. To help more people find this beautiful game, we’ve compiled a list of the best gear to help you master the game. We’ve done a lot of research and we’ve talked with a lot of experts (and we like to think we’re pretty knowledgeable about slinging plastic too), so we suggest starting with these discs and then exploring from there. Enjoy!



kc pro aviar

Innova KC PRO AVIAR – 175g

Infinite Discs ($11.77) | Amazon ($13.97)

The Aviar is THE most popular putter in the game of disc golf, so it’s a great one to start with. Get that max weight 175g and the KC PRO plastic and you’ll be dominating the putting in all conditions. Great for drives and upshots as well, so don’t be scared to use it for more than putting.


Mid Ranges

kc pro roc

Innova KC PRO ROC – 180g

Infinite Discs ($11.77) | Amazon ($13.99)

The Roc is one of the most popular discs in the world. The reason? It flies straight. The KC PRO plastic is nice and stiff and beats in slower than the DX, so you can keep this in your bag for years. Get the max weight and throw this Roc straight into the basket on a frozen rope.


elite z buzzz

Discraft Elite Z Buzzz – 177g

Infinite Discs $13.99) | Amazon ($15.49)

If you’re looking for consistent, reliable, and a stable disc that performs exactly how you want it to, then look no further. The Buzzz will fly straight and stay on the line you put it on. This is one of the most recommended discs on the market. Get one today and fall in love all over again.


Fairway Driver

innova champion leopard

Innova Champion Leopard – 165g

Infinite Discs ($13.49) | Amazon ($16.99)

We’re all about flying straight around here. Disc golf is more fun when the disc goes where you want it to. The Leopard is the driver that will do that. This fairway driver from Innova will fly straight and far. It’s reliable and has limited fade. The slower speed makes this disc easy to throw but still get good distance on your drive. Get a nice light one in Champion plastic and watch those birdies start appearing on your score card.


Distance Driver

innova star destroyer

Innova Star Destroyer – 165g

Infinite Discs ($14.47)  | Amazon ($15.45)

So you think you’re ready to play with the big kids now? The Destroyer is the high speed disc that will help you compete. It is high speed, so make sure you have your mechanics down before trying to throw this bad boy. It is overstable, but with a degree of turn to help provide incredible glide and distance. Throw this one correctly, and it will go for days. Also, a great disc getting distance on your forehand.


Disc Golf Baskets

dga mach lite basket

DGA Mach Lite – Portable

Infinite Discs ($135.99) | Amazon (167.97)

This is our favorite basket. Period. It folds up so nice for easy carry, and opens up to be a legitimate basket for practicing. Great for setting up in the living room (if your significant other is cool enough to let you). It catches discs the best out of all the fold up portable baskets and looks and feels the most like a course basket. It works great indoors and outdoors, so this is our recommended first practice basket.


disc golf practice basket

Black Hole Pro – Backyard Practice Basket

Infinite Discs ($139.95) | Amazon ($155.99)

Ready to Play in your Backyard? Set this Black Hole Pro up in your yard and have at it. This is about as close to a course quality basket as you can get without shelling out the big bucks. 24 quality chains catch everything, and it is super sturdy. This basket is great quality, so it’s surprising to be so affordable. Get this one for leaving out in your yard and not having to worry about it (but it’s still easily movable too).


Disc Golf Bags

disc golf starter bag

Starter Bag – 8+ Discs

Amazon ($28.99)

Just getting started with this beautiful game? Well you’re going to want something to hold all the discs we just recommended above. We think this Innova bag is a solid choice to do just that. Holds 8 to 10 discs and a water bottle and a pocket for keys and phone. Bonus points for cool camo look.


disc golf backpack

Dynamic Discs Trooper Backpack – 18 discs+ 4 putters

Amazon ($42.40)

If you are more of the backpack type, then the Trooper is the bag for you. Holds up to 18 discs AND an easy access upper pocket for up to 4 putters. This bag is well made, but also very affordable. It’s super lightweight and has everything you need, but nothing more. Lots of good pockets and a large water bottle holder too.


disc golf zuca cart

Zuca Disc Golf Cart – 30+ Discs

Infinite Discs ($295)

Okay. You don’t NEED one of these. But it’s pretty cool, right? This is something to work towards when you have 4 Aviars, 5 Rocs, 3 Leopards, and 8 Destroyers all beat in at different levels and you’re consistently shooting under par. Plus it doubles as a seat for when you’re playing multiple rounds a day in beautiful weather and throwing aces with ease. Or maybe just get this and you can pretend the rest. We can dream right?


Hope you found this helpful! We know we wish we’d had these suggestions when we got started. Big thanks to Stu for the suggestions and Infinite Discs for the great deals. Let us know if you have any other additions and suggestions!